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20 February Notes from the Iowa District

Writer's picture: Master Fourth Degree DistrictMaster Fourth Degree District

Worthy Sir Knights:

As more Sir Knights transition into the new uniform, we want to look consistent and neat while serving in public. I recommend Faithful Navigators pass along these pointers to your members regarding proper wearing of the new beret from our District Marshal.

How to wear the Beret

1. The beret should be worn with the emblem over the left eye and the rim should level on your head about a finger width above your eyebrow. (like you wear a baseball cap with the bill closer to your nose) It will have the rise on the left side of your head behind the emblem and the right side should be pulled over your right ear. (see the picture) The tails of the rim of the beret should be tucked in under the rim or cut off so they are not seen.

2. When the silent command is given to remove the beret; which will be removed from the head, folded, and tucked under the belt, near the right hip over the right trouser pocket where it will remain when standing, seated and kneeling until given the command to replace cover.

There are many YouTube videos on how to shape and shave your beret to help the appearance can ease of putting it on. It is recommended and will help.

To build a healthy fourth-degree district in Iowa we need new Sir Knights in every part of the state. Experience shows that having more exemplifications in all areas of the state makes it convenient for busy younger men to join our ranks as Sir Knights. I will be asking various assemblies to consider hosting an exemplification during the coming year. Better yet bring your ideas to convention and volunteer to take the lead in scheduling one in your area.

Uniform Orders:

As of December 1, 2019, the 4th-degree uniform is only being sold by an authorized domestic provider, The Supply Room, (TSR). TSR is a world-class, leading distributor of military and law enforcement uniforms, located in Oxford, Alabama. In addition to 100+ years of experience and a solid reputation for quality, they will offer customer service representatives dedicated to Knights of Columbus uniform orders.

Our uniforms will remain of the highest quality, while the cost will drop to $449.

We must deal directly with TSR to place an order for uniforms and color beret patch. It is each member’s responsibility to properly place their order. The Supreme Masters Office will not accept order requests.

The web site of TSR for distribution to our brother knights is The customer service number remains the same and is available at 1-866-562-4327. TSR customer service can assist with questions regarding uniforms ordered from the previous fulfillment company.

119th Annual State Convention – Sioux City

Much information for the convention can be found on the state website:

Hotel Information

The convention will be held at the new Sioux City Marriott Downtown. The room rate is $110.00 per night. Call (888) 236-2427 to make your reservations or book online.

Annual District Meeting Delegate Registration

Our district annual meeting will be held on Friday afternoon, April 17th, soon after the conclusion of the exemplification. I anticipate beginning by 3:45 PM. Each assembly is encouraged to send members to attend this meeting as their delegates. One key difference to note is that there will be Mass that Friday at 5 PM.

The delegate registration form is attached to this email. Only members registered as delegates can vote at the annual district meeting. All members are welcome to attend and to participate, however.

District Resolutions

If your assembly plans to submit a resolution for the Annual Iowa district meeting, you need to send that resolution to District Master, Michael Gaspers, no later than April 3rd. His mailing address is PO Box 38, Danbury, IA 51019-0038. His email is

Chaplain’s Fund:

Look at what’s happening in the Middle East right now, we have many brother knights and Catholic servicewomen in harm’s way, in a country where there is no Catholic Church to visit and in which to pray.

These servicemen and women have only our brave Catholic Priest Chaplains, who volunteer to be in harm’s way as well to bring the sacraments to our brave military members.

As of January 9th, the fourth degree has collected $1,985,133.51 of our 2-million-dollar goal for our military chaplain seminarian support.

We are blessed that our brother knights and their families have been so very generous in support of our future chaplains.

We now have a balance of just $14,866.49 due to the Archdiocese of Military Services, USA by June 30, 2020. So close and yet the job is incomplete.

I urge you to ask your assembly brothers and yes, our ladies auxiliaries for just a $25.00 donation to this most worthy cause. Please don’t let our brave warriors down. We must meet this goal and soon.

Administrative Matters

Master’s Contribution reminder:

· Bishop’s Catholic Communications Fund: @$3.00 per each Dues Paying Member

o These monies go to the Bishops

· Master’s Fund: @ $1.50 per each Dues Paying Member

o These monies are used by the Master to defray exemplification and administrative costs

· 36 of 46 assemblies contributed in 2019


(Received at State office as of 2/10/2020)

· 40 of 46 assemblies submitted Form 186 Report of Assembly Officers Chosen for the 2019/20 Fraternal year (due July 1, 2019); even if no change from the previous year, drop me a line to confirm our records

· 31 of 46 assemblies submitted Form 1315 Annual Assembly Audit Report for the 2018/19 Fraternal Year (due August 1, 2019)

· 30 of 46 assemblies submitted Form 1728A Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity for the 2019 Calendar Year (due January 31, 2020)

· Only 24 of 46 assemblies have submitted all 3

Please be timely in your submission of assembly forms.

NOTE that all copies of forms indicating they be sent to State Master should be mailed to District Secretary, Jim Bates at 15102 Brookview Drive, Urbandale, IA 50323-2567 or emailed to Jim at Report due dates are listed in the Assembly Report Forms Booklet sent annually to each assembly. Forms can also be found on the Supreme Council website at Assembly officers need to get their copy of the Fraternal Survey completed and sent in now.

Please check with our District Secretary if you have any questions. NOTE: forms need to be sent to both Supreme and State separately; Jim or I will monitor and update Supreme if we have the form and they do not have a record of the same. See below:

Mailing of Communications:

Unless mail items to the Supreme Office are addressed to either Supreme Master Dennis Stoddard or Justyna Padilla, all mail received at headquarters is forwarded to a mail clearinghouse in New York, where it is opened, separated and then distributed to the required section. This of course delays receipt of your most important documents such as expense reports, exemplification packets, and new assembly packets. Please remember to send all important communication to the proper individuals to expedite reception and processing. Forms such as 1315,186, etc. can be e-mailed to addresses provided on the bottom of the forms. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Executive Administrative Assistant - Supreme Master


(203)752-4437 office

(203)752-4224 fax

Assembly Recognition

There are several awards available to recognize assemblies that are engaged in programs supporting the vision and goals of the 4th degree. I encourage each assembly to work toward the Civic Award and the “To Be a Patriot” award.

· The Civic Award is a tribute to the spirit of patriotism and national pride exemplified by the assembly’s program of activities. To qualify, the assembly must conduct and report at least four varied patriotic programs held within the fraternal year.

· The “To Be a Patriot” Award annually recognizes the three best patriotic programs conducted by Fourth Degree Assemblies each fraternal year. The assembly must submit a report on their single best patriotic activity on form #TBP-2 and send it directly to the Master by April 30.

· The Supreme Council now awards the “Star Assembly Award” It includes the above two distinctions and several other items. I encourage assembly leadership to review the requirements and make them part of your yearly goals.

A footnote: February 22, 2020 marks the 120th Anniversary of the 4th Degree of the Knights of Columbus.


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