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Ad for Iowa KofC State Executive Secretary

Knights of Columbus Iowa State Council


Ed Prancrazio will be retiring as Iowa Knights of Columbus Executive Secretary effective no later than January 31, 2022. We wish to give Ed a BIG THANK YOU for his continuous service as our Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant and wish him the best of luck with his retirement. This position is open to any Brother Knight who feels they can provide the following services: • A knowledge of the fraternal workings of the Knights of Columbus • Excellent secretarial skills • Ability to accept change • A true concern for the Brother Knights of Iowa The Position Offers the Following Benefits: • Flexible working hours • Yearly average of 20 to 30 hours per week, depending on the needs of the State Council. State Meeting times may require more hours. • The required travel to and attendance at State Meetings and Events will be covered. • Modern office equipment such as computer, printer, and copier • This is an independent contracted position. Compensation dependent on experience. For more information, Application and Job Description contact:

Steve Vonnahme, S.D. 2314 4th Ave SE Altoona, Iowa 50009-2132 or

All applications must be postmarked by December 31, 2021. Please announce at council meetings and place in your council bulletin Dedicated to Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism


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