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Centerville Schools Friend of Education

It is with great pride that we recognize our local Knights of Columbus organization, the Father Joe Miller Knights of Columbus as our Friend of Education Award winner this year. This group of nearly 100 men have been a friend of the Centerville Community School District for a number of years. They have annually held a tootsie roll drive raising funds for our Special needs students.

More recently they have provided us funds to assist some of our neediest students, from allowing us to provide sleeping bags and pillows for some who did not have beds and mattresses, to providing clothing and shoes for those whom parents didn't make it a priority. Each fall they have come bringing boxes of school supplies for all of our students.

With each gift came the message, "take this and take care of the children, we trust you." We don't take that trust lightly, we greatly appreciate the way you come alongside our district and help us meet the needs of our students.

We greatly appreciate your generosity.


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