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Contact your candidates and find your polling places

Voting has begun in Iowa. As a member of the ICC’s legislative network, we know you’re giving serious consideration as to how you’re going to vote. Click here to identify your candidates and get their contact information so you can ask them questions.

The Catholic Church does not endorse or oppose candidates or political parties. However, it contributes to the political process by encouraging Catholics to take action in the political arena with a properly formed conscience. Click here for more information.


Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, said millions of Americans still need immediate assistance related to the pandemic.

“They need help in getting enough food, paying the rent or mortgage, finding work, affording health care, and accessing good schools. We have been imploring lawmakers since April to address these needs … In this moment of crisis, let us build a society that bends down to help those in need.”


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