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CORPUS CHRISTI Procession at Immaculate Conception Church, Gilbertville, IA

by Ken Thoma

Although the Feast Day of Corpus Christi (feast of the Body and Blood of Christ) was celebrated throughout the world by the Catholic Church on Sunday, June 6th, not all Parishes go thru with the public display of Christian devotion, such as was celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church in Gilbertville, Iowa. The large outdoor public celebration was held after the regular 10AM Mass.

Last year, the virus pandemic cancelled the 2020 event for the first time that anyone can recall. This year, the current pastor, Fr Henry Huber is on a 2-month retreat and the procession was not originally scheduled; however; Fr James Secora, the former paster here in Gilbertville in the early 1990’s, who is subbing, asked the parish to have this done again this year – now that the Covid-19 restrictions have pretty much been lifted.

Although it was a sunny and hot day with 95 degree temperature, there was a large crowd that weaved their way thru the streets. The participants were led by a group of new communicants, followed by members of the American Legion Honor Guard with the American and Iowa flags flowing in the slight breeze. The Knights of Columbus Honor Guard then processed, followed by representatives of the Catholic Order of Foresters.

Then came the Alter Servers, followed by Fr Secora who was covered under a processional banner held by 4 youths. The Church Choir followed, while singings GOD’s praises as they processed, with the general members of the Church faithful after them. The first stop was at the south entrance of the Don Bosco high school, where the 1st of 3 adoration tables were set up.

From there the group processed to the front of the I.C. grade school for the 2nd lifting of the Eucharist; and from there the group processed south to the Grotto at the west of the Church for the 3rd Eucharistic Adoration. The procession ended with the final Benediction in the Church.


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1 Comment

Unknown member
Jul 17, 2021

Cool! It would be great if ALL parishes would do this. Is this something the Knights of Columbus could organize and promote in all of the parishes served by KofC councils?

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