Worthy Sir Knights –
Announcing the Exemplification of the Patriotic Degree of the Knights of Columbus in honor of
Our Veterans Of Iowa-Nebraska Districts
This exemplification will be conducted in person.
When: Sunday, November 14th, 2021, starting 01:30 PM Central Time. Early Dinner Banquet meal ($17 cost to non-candidates) to follow.
The cost per non-ordained candidate will be $70 in-person. The fee for priests and deacons will be $25. This is a great opportunity to encourage your pastor or deacon to witness the lessons of Catholic patriotism. It is expected the assembly will pick up the cost for any ordained brothers or seminarians.
I encourage you as leaders in your communities to ask brother Knights to take this final step on their journey to full Knighthood and the title of Sir Knight. Make a special effort to invite brother Knights serving as Firemen, Police, or EMS for our communities AND any Knights who are veterans.
A reminder that the Iowa District has stipends available for deserving veterans to cover exemplification costs. I simply need the Faithful Navigator to vouchsafe for the Brother Knight candidate. Contact me at districtmaster@iowakofc.org for information.
We need the registration form & completed Form 4's preferably emailed (please ensure to include the candidate’s email and phone number). Payment can be made on-site or sent prior via US Post. I ask that we receive notice of registrations 5 days prior to the exemplification to allow adequate meal planning.
Our country needs informed patriotic citizens aware of the religious foundations of our republic willing to commit to personal virtue to ensure civil society remains civil and available to all. Our fourth-degree ceremonial is an excellent educational tool.
This will be a joint exemplification with the Nebraska District providing a to enjoy fraternity and fellowship with our brothers west of the big MO. Likewise, this is your opportunity as existing Sir Knights to attend as observers to accompany our candidates and reinforce the patriotic principles you learned at your own exemplification. Please forward to your assembly membership and local council leadership! NOTE: there will be an afternoon activity for the ladies and all are encouraged to rejoin us for social and banquet.
Stay Strong, Be Brave, and Viva Christo Rey!
Hope to see you in Council Bluffs
Michael P. Gaspers
Master of the Fourth Degree - Iowa District
Attached you will find:
· In-person registration form (required to plan the meal)
· Reasons to be a Sir Knight
· An e-Form 4 (in case you don’t have a paper copy already)
Make checks payable to “Iowa District Master”. They should be sent to District Secretary, Kevin McKinney, 2900 Alvin Pl, Storm Lake, IA 50588 (inquire at districtsecretary@iowakofc.org for online/electronic payment options)