Tuesday’s election resources
Political parties choose their candidates on Iowa’s primary election day, Tuesday, June 4. You will need to bring an ID. You can also register to vote at the polls.
The Iowa Catholic Conference has a new Election Center where you can put in your ZIP code and address to view your candidates and contact your elected officials.
Let’s also remember the importance of participating in public life with a well-informed conscience. Take a moment to read the bulletin insert from the U.S. bishops with a new Introductory Note for “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.”
Prayer vigil that justice be done
A prayer vigil with Bishop William Joensen, board chair of the Iowa Catholic Conference, is set for Sunday, June 9 at 7:30 p.m. in front of St. Ambrose Cathedral in Des Moines (607 High Street). You are encouraged to pray the rosary at the same time if you can’t attend the prayer vigil in person.
The vigil is being held in advance of a hearing on June 10 on lawsuits challenging the new state law on “illegal reentry by certain aliens.” The lawsuits aim to block the law's implementation on July 1st and have it declared unconstitutional. Traditionally, the federal government has held exclusive authority over immigration law.
Letter to delegation on religious visas
The Catholic bishops of Iowa have contacted our congressional delegation about visas for religious workers. As you know, many priests and sisters working here come from other countries, and the process for receiving a visa has slowed down. See some recommendations here for how to improve the program.
USCCB files suit on abortion rule
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has filed suit against EEOC on its effort to impose a nationwide abortion-accommodation mandate on the workplaces of hundreds of millions of Americans. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued a new Final Rule requiring employers to knowingly accommodate abortions and imposing a speech code creating substantial liability on employers who express opposition to abortion and refuse to support it in their policies.
EEOC, in an attempt to support abortion, claims this authority from the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), a recent bipartisan law meant to help protect pregnant women in the workplace so that they may have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
The PWFA fills a gap in federal employment law by ensuring pregnant women receive workplace accommodations to protect their pregnancies and their preborn children.
Restorative justice webinar
The Catholics Mobilizing Network is hosting a webinar, “Intro to Restorative Justice,” on June 17. Participants will learn practices related to restorative justice in ministry. This 3.5-hour workshop is ideal for individuals who are new to restorative justice and restorative practices. Sign up here.
And finally,
Thanks to those of you who participated in our recent webinar on the 2024 legislative session. Keep an eye on our news updates for other ways to connect!