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Iowa Catholic Conference Newsletter, July 21, 2021


A U.S. District Court has found the DACA program to be unlawful. With this decision, the program remains in place for current recipients and their renewal applications can be processed. However, first-time applications cannot be accepted.

DACA allows certain undocumented individuals brought to the United States as children - known as Dreamers - to remain in the country. DACA provides temporary protection from deportation and grants work authorization; it does not create a pathway to citizenship.

Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, auxiliary bishop of Washington and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration, issued the following statement in response to the court’s ruling:

“While we are disappointed with this ruling, we know that DACA was never meant to be a permanent solution for Dreamers. This ruling is simply the most recent development in a long list of events warranting action by Congress. My brother bishops and I urge the Senate to join the House of Representatives in passing legislation that would provide legal status and a path to citizenship for all Dreamers.”


“Many people want to return to normality and resume economic activities. Certainly, but this ‘normality’ should not include social injustices and the degradation of the environment. The pandemic is a crisis, and we do not emerge from a crisis the same as before: either we come out of it better, or we come out of it worse. We must come out of it better, to counter social injustice and environmental damage. Today we have an opportunity to build something different.” - Pope Francis, Aug. 19, 2020

Congress is considering legislation about how to best support our nation’s infrastructure and economic recovery. The U.S. Catholic bishops support a bipartisan agreement to make the investments necessary to care for the earth and for those on the margins of society. As a follower of Jesus, you can lend your voice to ensure that we build a better future that promotes the common good and protects the environment, the poor, and the vulnerable.

Click here today to tell your Representative and Senators to act now by working across the aisle and committing to climate and energy policy that benefits those disproportionately impacted by environmental degradation; prioritizing job creation for the poor and marginalized; ensuring access to safe, decent, and affordable housing for all Americans; and enacting economic policies that strengthen families.

There’s also still time to sign the petition in support of keeping restrictions on federal funding for abortion.


Registration is now open for the Iowa Hunger Summit. The 15th Annual Summit will focus on transformations within food systems and the changes needed to end hunger and food insecurity in our state.


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