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Iowa Catholic Conference Newsletter: Oct. 23, 2020

About 650,000 people have already voted in Iowa. We suspect that many of our readers are among the early voters. If you are – thanks for participating. If you haven’t voted yet, check with your county auditor for in-person voting hours: You can also register to vote on Election Day, Nov. 3.

If you’re interested in what the Iowa bishops are saying about issues and voting, go to

Bearing in mind our nation’s challenges and the need for wise, moral, civic leadership, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is offering an Election Novena to help Catholics prepare for the election. Starting on Monday for nine consecutive days, participants will be encouraged to pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the day’s intention. A closing prayer for elected leaders will be offered on day 10, Wednesday, Nov. 4.

The list of intentions is accessible at Also keep checking for your diocese’s website for additional messages from your bishop.

Even though many have voted, the ballots can’t be counted until Election Day. So don’t be too concerned if final election results are not available on Election Night.


You’ll hear a lot about voting during the next couple of weeks, and while it’s important, it’s just a one-off. Our commitment to the common good does not start or end with voting. We can start solving problems at the local level by organizing with others on issues. Sign up for our action alerts by texting the word “IOWACATHOLIC” TO 50457.


At a time when we don’t hear enough civil and respectful dialogue among candidates, interest groups, superPACs, and even sometimes among family members, can we be witnesses to civil and respectful dialogue? Can we model the love and charity expected from disciples of Christ?


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