Iowa Catholic Conference staff members are meeting with legislators and advocates on a variety of issues to prepare for the legislative session which begins Jan. 8, 2024. Among those issues are the Iowa MOMS services rollout to help pregnant women, funding for preschool, conscience rights, Medicaid coverage for new moms and monitoring new eligibility rules for Medicaid and food stamps. You’ll hear more about these topics as the session approaches.
Statement on violence in the Holy Land
In response to the escalating Israel-Hamas war, Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on International Justice and Peace, renews his call for peace.
“The war in the Holy Land is playing out in real time before us with its mounting casualties, the growing humanitarian disaster, and the potential for violent regional and international escalation. The Oct. 7 terrorist attacks of Hamas which initiated this war must be condemned. We renew the call for the release of hostages and protection of civilian populations. At the same time, we affirm continued efforts to allow humanitarian access, including corridors for those seeking safety, and urge Congress to provide support for relief efforts. As Pope Francis reminds the world, ‘War is always a defeat; it is a destruction of human fraternity.’”
Pope Francis releases follow-up to Laudato Si
On the feast of St. Francis, Oct. 4, the Holy Father released an apostolic exhortation, "Laudate Deum" (Praise God), as a follow-up to Laudato Si. It’s a very short read. In the letter, Pope Francis looks ahead to the upcoming COP28 meeting and expresses concern about the care of our common home: Earth. Learn more.
Sharing your beliefs is not harassment
New guidance from the federal EEOC is threatening free speech in the workplace. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has proposed guidance regarding harassment in the workplace that would suppress or prohibit speech that upholds the sacred gift of human life, the truth of God's design for marriage, and the reality that we are each created male or female.
You are encouraged to send a comment in support of free speech. The deadline is tomorrow (Wednesday), Nov. 1. Write a message here: