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Knights Donate to Sioux City Vocations

The Knights of Columbus recently donated to the Office of Vocations at the Sioux City Diocese. Marv Maly, treasurer of Onawa-Blencoe 6249, met with Michelle Steinbach, Benefits Coordinator for Vocations/Human Resources, to present a check for $100 for the general vocations fund and another check for $500 to assist a specific seminarian with expenses related to his religious education.

Knight Marv Maly presents check to Michelle Steinbach of the Sioux City Diocese

The recipient, Jack Waters, will begin his 4th year this fall at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, MN. Upon graduation, he will be assigned to a parish for further practical training on his journey to be ordained as a priest. The Knights have made similar contributions to seminarians in past years.

In addition to the financial assistance, the Knights also provide moral support beginning with a personal letter from the council's Grand Knight, follow-up notes or phone calls of encouragement, a standing invitation to visit the council when he returns to this area, and his inclusion in prayers for his resolve and success in religious life.


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