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Legislative passes redistricting plan


The Iowa Legislature met in special session yesterday. The chambers approved the second redistricting plan created by the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency. Congressional and statehouse district boundaries are redrawn every 10 years following the completion of the U.S. Census.

In addition, HF 902 was approved by bipartisan votes in the House and Senate. Gov. Reynolds signed the bill earlier today. Under the bill, if an employer requires vaccinations of employees, the employer shall waive the requirement in either of two instances:

  • A statement from the employee that receiving the vaccine would be injurious to the health and well-being of the employee or an individual residing with the employee.

  • A statement from the employee that receiving the vaccine would conflict with the tenets and practices of a religion of which the employee is an adherent or member.

If the person gets fired for not getting the vaccine, they are automatically eligible for unemployment benefits.

Lawmakers are scheduled to return on Jan. 10 for the 2022 regular session.


Pope Francis met with President Biden today at the Vatican. For more information on the visit check out


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