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News for Knights of Columbus VOLUME 38 • SPECIAL EDITION NUMBER 11

APRIL 28, 2020

Many are isolated and alone in quarantine. Essential services are continually being depleted of vital supplies. Many people and places require urgent help. But when crisis strikes, Knights respond with care, compassion and charity — as we’re doing now, through our international Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative. Read more below.

K of C executive speaks about family life in the midst of pandemic Kathyrn Jean Lopez of National Review spoke with Jonathan Reyes, the Knights of Columbus’ senior vice president for Evangelization and Faith Formation. Jonathan gives his perspective on what the Gospel looks like under social distancing and how he's navigating family life during COVID-19 in a full house, with his wife, their seven children, his parents and a niece. LISTEN

COVID-19 relief for Little Sisters of the Poor Knights are regularly checking on their neighbors in their local communities, including the Little Sisters of Poor and the residents they care for daily. The Knights reached out, inspired by the Order’s international Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative. WATCH

Priest discusses K of C charity on national television Father Michael Gelfant, from St. Michael-St. Malachy Parish in Brooklyn, discusses the Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative and Knights’ donation of a million dollars across the United States' various dioceses. WATCH

Leave No Neighbor Behind: An overview for Knights Knights of Columbus are called to step into the breach and leave no neighbor behind — especially in this time of crisis. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, our duty is to lead our families, protect our parishes, and serve our communities, remembering always that where there’s a need, there’s a Knight. READ MORE

Support your brother Knights No council should leave a brother Knight behind. As members of your council face challenges, ensure they have the support and resources they need. READ MORE

Support your parish In this time of COVID-19, your pastor has lost his normal methods of charitable and evangelical outreach. By working closely with your pastor, your council can help your parish and ensure that no parishioner is left behind. READ MORE

Support your community Whatever the need, Knights are encouraged to assess and creatively support the needs of their local community. People are counting on us to come through for them. READ MORE

See where the Knights are impacting U.S. communities Knights are stepping up during this moment of trial, relentlessly responding to the call of charity. While Knights around the entire world are impacting their communities, check out this map to see how U.S. councils from coast to coast are finding creative ways to help those in need. MAP

Feed the hungry Many individuals and families have stocked their personal pantries in preparation for quarantine. This has resulted in reduced donations to local food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens. READ MORE

Participate in blood drive Thousands of blood drives have been canceled, resulting in a shortage of over 100,000 units of blood. To address this urgent need, Brother Knights and their families who are not already isolated are encouraged to donate blood. READ MORE Will you help? Please join with brother Knights as we support the needs of our communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Your donation will help local efforts working to meet the unique needs presented by each community. DONATE

SHARE YOUR QUESTIONS, FEEDBACK AND STORY Share how you, your family or your council is helping strengthen people’s faith and offering support during this time. Email Any links to third party sites outside of the Knights of Columbus are provided for information purposes only. This is not an endorsement of the service providers. For more, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


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