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Star Assembly Requirement 2022-2023

From the Supreme Master

Worthy Vice Supreme Masters and District Masters,

Each year currently we encounter the same problems surrounding assemblies qualifying for the Star Assembly Award. Invariably, a District Master will contact us advising he has one or more assemblies which have qualified for and are not listed as a winner.

When we find that all qualifying reports have in fact been submitted, a correction is made, and an award is presented.

It is extremely time consuming to research all the required reports from the different departments in the building and, in most cases, we find that one or more report has not been received at supreme or submitted on time.

Masters and VSM’s have called the office to advise they have received reports from their assemblies yet in many cases, supreme has not received their copy and the master is unable to provide us with his copy. Particularly the assembly newsletters, copies he should have held to prove six or more were in fact sent out. Some masters tell us they will contact the assembly for a copy, after the deadline.

Once again, I am listing for all the requirements to earn the Star Assembly Award.

  1. Earn the Fourth Degree Civic Award.

  2. Enter the “To Be A Patriot” competition. Do not have to win.

  3. Meet the assembly new member goal.

  4. Submit the Report of Officer #186 due NO LATER than July 1.

  5. Submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity #1728 NO LATER than January 31.

  6. Submit the Annual Assembly Audit Report #1315 NO LATER than August 1

  7. Publish a Monthly Newsletter or Bulletin for assembly members.



District Masters and Faithful Navigators shall be required to retain copies of all reports in an assembly folder, especially the newsletter and the TBAP, as we do not receive these copies in our office.

Additionally, see that assemblies receive and retain the email receipt from the department the report is submitted to, and see that the assembly sends a copy of the receipt to the Master for his folder so that the report and submission date can be verified.

Ex. If you send a communication to membership you immediately receive a reply email advising your submission has been received. It has a registration number to reference it.

The Assembly needs to hold on to these receipts in the event a report fails to show in our system, it will make verification possible, and an award will be processed.

If this process is followed there should be little doubt a report was in fact submitted on time and received by the proper department. Assemblies earning the Star Assembly Award will then receive their plaque.

VSM’s shall ensure that their District Masters share and review this policy with their assemblies.


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