Every State Deputy before me, and myself included, strives to create a logo that both recognizes his personal beliefs in the organization, and the collective nature of building the organization across the state.
During our July 2019 Organizational Meeting of the State Council, I had the pleasure to present the State Deputy logo to nearly 160 of our state, district, and local leaders and their families.
Allow me to explain the elements below:
Shape- shield: The shield is a universal symbol for people who protect and defend. As Knights, we are protectors of the poor and defenders of the widow and orphan. We are the ones who run towards injustice. We are the ones lifting up the lowly.
Motto- Rise Up and Share God's Joy: It is the 2019-2020 motto for the fraternal year.
Colors- Purple & Gold: I became active in the Knights when the Council at the University of Northern Iowa was established in March of 2010. I was elected as Grand Knight of the same council in September of 2010. I remain a member there today to help guide the next generation of leaders in our Church.
Kofc logo: Simple- it can't be a KofC logo without the Knights of Columbus logo.
Fleur-de-lis: A symbol used as a nod to the Trinity, it appears on the flag of my home city of St. Louis, the crest of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, and the universal logo of Scouting, aka the Boy Scouts of America.
Why 3 fleur-de-lis?: There are three people special to me that have died- Stephen Joseph Lee (our son), Justin Kime (Grand Knight of my college council), and Tristan Marlow (District Deputy and member of my council).
12 Stars: The book of Revelations speaks to our Blessed Virgin Mary being surrounded by a crown of 12 stars.
Why 5 gold stars?: There are 5 members of my immediate family, and growing up there were 5 of us in the home. And there's a subtle nod to the 5 Sullivan Brothers of Waterloo, where I previously served as Navigator of the 4th Degree Assembly.
