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The Guild

Program Team

I read in the Guild Newsletter an article I believe is worth sharing. The Guild is something all K-C members should be a proud member of to promote Fr. McGivney, s canonizations. In the January & February, 2019 Guild Newsletter written by Father Gabriel B. O’Donnell, O.P. Vice Postulator & Guild Director, his request in part:

“Dear Guild Members: As we Settle into a new calendar year, you are asked to make a firm resolution to “storm heaven” with prayers that Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney will soon be beatified, the next step in his cause for canonization and eventual sainthood. With beatification he would be called Blessed Michael J. McGivney. His holiness of life and heroic virtue were officially recognized in 2008, when the Vatican bestowed on him the title of venerable. A miracle through his intercession is now needed for his cause to move to the next level. As you can read in each copy of this newsletter, many favors are granted through devoted prayers to Father McGivney, and we know that he is active in the lives of his Knights and their Families. But most of these favors, though significant, do not qualify for what the Vatican would accept as miraculous. The standards of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints are understandably high, and usually a medical healing is needed to meet them.”

“The guild is fortunate always to have under investigation a report of an extraordinary medical event, so we urge you to pray that the incident currently being investigated will eventually be accepted as miraculous. From other causes, we know that it often takes many years for such a miracle to be approved, but we should also recall the words of Our lord that by asking we shall receive. Perseverance in this prayer of petition is one of the best ways we can imitate Father McGivney himself, who never gave up on following the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, with confidence and hope.”

I share these words to encourage you as Knights and your families to be our prayer warriors to make the beatification happen.

Vivat Jesus,

Henry Fullick, State Guild Chairman


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