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Trinity Council Supports Two Pregnancy Clinics

Knights of Columbus Trinity Council 1466, gave donations to 2 women’s pregnancy centers over the past few months. With matching funds from the ASAP program (Aid & Support After Pregnancy) the donations totaled $1100 to each center. Council 1466 donated $500, Supreme Council then donated $100, and the Iowa K of C Charitable Foundation matched the $500 donations.

Mary’s Choice in Sioux City, IA & Her Health in LeMars, IA were the recipients of the donations. Both locations offer support to pregnant women before and after birth. They offer pregnancy tests, ultrasounds & counseling of pregnant women.

In the Her Health Photo are the following, Member Jared Moris, Center volunteers Karen Schmitt, Kathy Wentz, Center Director Susie Edgar, Grand Knight John Peters, Deputy Grand Knight Mark Nuebel.

In the Mary's Choice photo are PGK James Peters, Grand Knight John Peters, Director of Mary's Choice Dawn Grimes, & KC Member & Mary's Choice volunteer Gordon Yoerger.


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